If you are truckie travelling north or south via Cunnamulla, we can help you with getting a free hot shower and a rest stop ( social distancing measures must apply ….) here at Hotel Cunnamulla.
You guys helped us out during the drought delivering hay, as well as now delivering much needed freight and supplies throughout the country, so now it’s our turn to be able to help you.
We have just learnt watching the ABC’s ‘Landline’ programme of the difficulties you are facing in getting showers and having to put up with ‘drive in’ takeaways that would barely be able to fit in a hubcap, let alone a semi – trailer.
We can supply hand sanitising lotions, individual packaged soap but unfortunately no towels.
This offer only applies to truck drivers delivering freight etc. – unfortunately we cannot extend this to caravaners or campers, thanks for your understanding.
Every little bit helps – and we hope that this is something we can help you out with.